Módulo:Complex date

Origem: Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre.
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  __  __           _       _         ____                      _                 _
 |  \/  | ___   __| |_   _| | ___ _ / ___|___  _ __ ___  _ __ | | _____  __   __| | __ _| |_ ___
 | |\/| |/ _ \ / _` | | | | |/ _ (_) |   / _ \| '_ ` _ \| '_ \| |/ _ \ \/ /  / _` |/ _` | __/ _ \
 | |  | | (_) | (_| | |_| | |  __/_| |__| (_) | | | | | | |_) | |  __/>  <  | (_| | (_| | ||  __/
 |_|  |_|\___/ \__,_|\__,_|_|\___(_)\____\___/|_| |_| |_| .__/|_|\___/_/\_\  \__,_|\__,_|\__\___|

This module is intended for creation of complex date phrases in variety of languages.

Once deployed, please do not modify this code without applying the changes first at Module:Complex date/sandbox and testing
at Module:Complex date/sandbox/testcases.

Authors and maintainers:
* User:Sn1per - first draft of the original version
* User:Jarekt - corrections and expansion of the original version

-- List of external modules and functions
local p = {Error = nil}
local i18n       = require('Module:i18n/complex date')   -- used for translations of date related phrases
local ISOdate    = require('Module:ISOdate')._ISOdate    -- used for parsing dates in YYYY-MM-DD and related formats
local Calendar   -- loaded lazily

-- ==================================================
-- === Internal functions ===========================
-- ==================================================

local function langSwitch(list,lang)
    local langList = mw.language.getFallbacksFor(lang)
    for i,language in ipairs(langList) do
        if list[language] then
            return list[language]

-- ==================================================
local function formatnum1(numStr, lang)
-- mostly require('Module:Formatnum').formatNum function used to translate a number to use different numeral characters,
-- except that it it does not call  that function unless the language is on the list "LList"
    local LList = {bn=1,bpy=1,kn=1,hi=1,mr=1,new=1,pa=1,gu=1,fa=1,glk=1,mzn=1,ur=1,ar=1,ckb=1,ks=1,lo=1,['or']=1,bo=1,['ml-old']=1,mn=1,te=1,th=1}
    if LList[lang] then -- call only when the language is on the list
        numStr = require('Module:Formatnum').formatNum(numStr, lang, 1)
    return numStr

-- ==================================================
local function getISODate(datestr, datetype, lang, num, case)
-- translate dates in the format YYYY, YYYY-MM, and YYYY-MM-DD
    if  not case and i18n.Translations[datetype] then
        -- look up the grammatical case needed and call ISOdate module
        local rec = langSwitch(i18n.Translations[datetype], lang)
        if type(rec)=='table' then
            case = rec.case[num]
    return ISOdate(datestr, lang, case, '', 1)

-- =======================================================================
local function translatePhrase(date1, date2, operation, lang, state)
-- use tables in Module:i18n/complex date to translate a phrase
    if not i18n.Translations[operation] then
        p.Error = string.format('<span style="background-color:red;">Error in [[Module:Complex date]]: input parameter "%s" is not recognized.</span>', operation or 'nil')
        return ''
    local dateStr = langSwitch(i18n.Translations[operation], lang)
    if type(dateStr)=='table' then
        dateStr = dateStr[1]
    if type(dateStr)=='function' then
        local dateFunc = dateStr
        local nDates = i18n.Translations[operation]['nDates']
        if nDates==2 then -- 2 date phrase
            dateStr = dateFunc(date1, date2, state)
        else  -- 1 date phrase
            dateStr = dateFunc(date1, state)
    if type(dateStr)=='string' then
        -- replace parts of the string '$date1' and '$date2' with date1 and date2 strings
        dateStr = mw.ustring.gsub(dateStr, '$date1', date1)
        dateStr = mw.ustring.gsub(dateStr, '$date2', date2)
        -- Special case of more complex phrases that can be build out of simple phrases
        -- If complex case is not translated to "lang" than build it out of simpler ones
        local x = dateStr
        dateStr = p._complex_date(x.conj, x.adj1, date1, x.units1, x.era1, x.adj2, date2, x.units2, x.era2, lang, 2)
    return dateStr

-- =======================================================================
local function oneDatePhrase(dateStr, adj, era, units, lang, num, case, state)
-- translate a single date phrase
    if num==2 then
        state.adj, state.era, state.units, state.precision = state.adj2, state.era2, state.units2, state.precision2
    -- dateStr can have many forms: ISO date, year or a number for
    -- decade, century or millennium
    if units == '' then -- unit is "year", "month", "day"
        dateStr = getISODate(dateStr, adj, lang, num, case)
    else -- units is "decade", "century", "millennium''
        dateStr = translatePhrase(dateStr, '', units, lang, state)
    -- add adjective ("early", "mid", etc.) or preposition ("before", "after",
    -- "circa", etc.) to the date
    if adj ~= '' then
        dateStr = translatePhrase(dateStr, '', adj, lang, state)
    else -- only era?
        dateStr = formatnum1(dateStr, lang)
    -- add era
    if era ~= '' then
        dateStr = translatePhrase(dateStr, '', era, lang, state)
    return dateStr

-- =======================================================================
local function twoDatePhrase(date1, date2, state, lang)
-- translate a double date phrase
    local dateStr, case
    local era=''
    if state.era1 == state.era2 then
        -- if both eras are the same than add it only once
        era = state.era1
        state.era1 = ''
        state.era2 = ''
    case = {nil, nil}
    if i18n.Translations[state.conj] then
        local rec = langSwitch(i18n.Translations[state.conj], lang)
        if type(rec)=='table' then
            case = rec.case
    date1   = oneDatePhrase(date1, state.adj1, state.era1, state.units1, lang, 1, case[1], state)
    date2   = oneDatePhrase(date2, state.adj2, state.era2, state.units2, lang, 2, case[2], state)
    dateStr = translatePhrase(date1, date2, state.conj, lang, state)
    if era ~= '' then
        dateStr = translatePhrase(dateStr, '', era, lang, state)
    return dateStr

-- =======================================================================
local function otherPhrases(date1, date2, operation, era, lang, state)
-- translate specialized phrases
    local dateStr = ''
    if operation == 'islamic' then
        if date2=='' then date2 = mw.getCurrentFrame():callParserFunction('#time', 'xmY', date1) end
        date1 = getISODate(date1, operation, lang, 1, nil)
        date2 = getISODate(date2, operation, lang, 2, nil)
        if era == '' then era = 'ad' end
        dateStr = translatePhrase(date1, '', era, lang, state) .. ' (' .. translatePhrase(date2, '', 'ah', lang, state) .. ')'
        era = ''
    elseif operation == 'julian' then
        if not date2 and date1 then -- Convert from Julian to Gregorian calendar date
            if Calendar == nil then
                Calendar = require("Module:Calendário") -- lazy loding (only if needed)
            local JDN = Calendar._date2jdn(date1, 0)
            if JDN then
                date2 = date1 -- first date is assumed to be Julian
                date1 = Calendar._jdn2date(JDN, 1)
        date1 = getISODate(date1, operation, lang, 1, nil)
        date2 = getISODate(date2, operation, lang, 2, nil)
        dateStr = translatePhrase(date1, date2, operation, lang, state)
        dateStr = mw.ustring.gsub(mw.ustring.gsub(dateStr, '%( ', '('), ' %)', ')') -- in case date2 is empty
    elseif operation == 'turn of the year' or operation == 'turn of the decade' or operation == 'turn of the century' then
        local dt = 1
        if operation == 'turn of the decade' then dt=10 end
        if not date2 or date2=='' then date2=tostring(tonumber(date1)-dt) end
        if era~='bp' and era~='bc' then date1, date2 = date2, date1 end
        if operation == 'turn of the year' then
            date1 = ISOdate(date1, lang, '', '', 1)
            date2 = ISOdate(date2, lang, '', '', 1)
            date1 = formatnum1(date1, lang)
            date2 = formatnum1(date2, lang)
        dateStr = translatePhrase(date1, date2, operation, lang, state)
    elseif operation == 'year unknown' then
        dateStr = translatePhrase('', '', operation, lang, state) .. '<div style="display: none;">Unknown date</div>'
    elseif operation == 'unknown' then
        dateStr = tostring(mw.message.new( "exif-unknowndate" ):inLanguage( lang )) .. '<div style="display: none;">Unknown date</div>'
    -- add era
    if era ~= '' then
        dateStr = translatePhrase(dateStr, '', era, lang, state)
    return dateStr

-- =======================================================================
local function checkAliases(str1, str2, sType)
-- some inputs have many aliases - reconcile them and ensure string is playing a proper role   
    local out = ''
    if str1 and str1~='' then
        local a = i18n.Synonyms[str1] -- look up synonyms of "str1"
        if a then
            out = a[1]
            p.Error = string.format('<span style="background-color:red;">Error in [[Module:Complex date]]: %s is not recognized.</span>', str1)
    elseif str2 and str2~='' then -- if "str1" of type "sType" is empty than maybe ...
        local a = i18n.Synonyms[str2]   -- ..."str2" is of the same type and is not empty
        if a and a[2]==sType then
            out  = a[1]
            str2 = ''
    return out, str2

-- =======================================================================
local function datePrecision(dateStr, units)
-- "in this module "Units" is a string like millennium, century, or decade
--    "precision" is wikibase compatible date precision number: 6=millennium, 7=century, 8=decade, 9=year, 10=month, 11=day
-- based on string or numeric input calculate "Units" and "precision"
    local precision
    if type(units)=='number' then
        precision = units
        if precision>11 then precision=11 end -- clip the range of precision values
        if     precision==6 then units='millennium'
        elseif precision==7 then units='century'
        elseif precision==8 then units='decade'
        else units = ''
    elseif type(units)=='string' then
        units = string.lower(units)
        if     units=='millennium' then precision=6
        elseif units=='century'    then precision=7
        elseif units=='decade'     then precision=8
        else precision=9
    if units=='' or precision==9 then
        local sLen = mw.ustring.len(dateStr)
        if     sLen<= 4 then precision=9
        elseif sLen== 7 then precision=10
        elseif sLen>=10 then precision=11
    if precision==6 and dateStr.match( dateStr, '%d000' )~=nil then
        dateStr = tostring(math.floor(tonumber(dateStr)/1000) +1)
    elseif precision==7 and mw.ustring.match( dateStr, '%d%d00' )~=nil then
        dateStr = tostring(math.floor(tonumber(dateStr)/100) +1)

    return dateStr, units, precision

-- =======================================================================
local function isodate2timestamp(dateStr, precision, era)
-- convert date string to timestamps used by Quick Statements
    local tStamp = nil
    if era == 'ah' or precision<6 then
        return nil
    elseif era ~= '' then
        local eraLUT = {ad='+', bc='-', bp='-' }
        era = eraLUT[era]

-- convert isodate to timestamp used by quick statements
    if precision>=9 then
        if string.match(dateStr,"^%d%d%d%d$") then               -- if YYYY  format
            tStamp = era .. dateStr .. '-00-00T00:00:00Z/9'
        elseif string.match(dateStr,"^%d%d%d%d%-%d%d$") then      -- if YYYY-MM format
            tStamp = era .. dateStr .. '-00T00:00:00Z/10'
        elseif string.match(dateStr,"^%d%d%d%d%-%d%d%-%d%d$") then  -- if YYYY-MM-DD format
            tStamp = era .. dateStr .. 'T00:00:00Z/11'
    elseif precision==8 then -- decade
        tStamp = era .. dateStr .. '-00-00T00:00:00Z/8'
    elseif precision==7 then -- century
        local d = tostring(tonumber(dateStr)-1)
        tStamp = era .. d .. '50-00-00T00:00:00Z/7'
    elseif precision==6 then
        local d = tostring(tonumber(dateStr)-1)
        tStamp = era .. d .. '500-00-00T00:00:00Z/6'
    return tStamp

-- =======================================================================
local function oneDateQScode(dateStr, adj, era, precision)
-- create QuickStatements string for "one date" dates
    local outputStr = ''

    local d = isodate2timestamp(dateStr, precision, era)
    if not d then
        return ''
    local rLUT = {            early='Q40719727'     , mid='Q40719748',      late='Q40719766',
        ['1quarter']='Q40690303' , ['2quarter']='Q40719649'  , ['3quarter']='Q40719662', ['4quarter']='Q40719674',
        spring='Q40720559'   , summer='Q40720564'    , autumn='Q40720568'  , winter='Q40720553',
        firsthalf='Q40719687', secondhalf='Q40719707' }
    local qLUT = {['from']='P580', ['until']='P582', ['after']='P1319', ['before']='P1326', ['by']='P1326'}

    local refine = rLUT[adj]
    local qualitier = qLUT[adj]

    if adj=='' then
        outputStr = d
    elseif adj=='circa' then
        outputStr = d..",P1480,Q5727902"
    elseif refine then
        outputStr = d..",P4241,"..refine
    elseif precision>7 and qualitier then
        local century = string.gsub(d, 'Z%/%d+', 'Z/7')
        outputStr = century ..",".. qualitier ..","..d
    return outputStr

-- =======================================================================
local function twoDateQScode(date1, date2, state)
-- create QuickStatements string for "two date" dates
    if state.adj1~='' or state.adj2~='' or state.era1~=state.era2 then
        return '' -- QuickStatements string are not generated for two date phrases with adjectives
    local outputStr = ''
    local d1 = isodate2timestamp(date1, state.precision1, state.era1)
    local d2 = isodate2timestamp(date2, state.precision2, state.era2)
    if (not d1) or (not d2) then
        return ''
    -- find date with lower precision in common to both dates
    local cd
    local year1 = tonumber(string.sub(d1,2,5))
    local year2 = tonumber(string.sub(d2,2,5))
    local k = 0
    for i = 1,10,1 do
        if string.sub(d1,1,i)==string.sub(d2,1,i) then
            k = i -- find last matching letter
    if k>=9 then              -- same month, since "+YYYY-MM-" is in common
        cd = isodate2timestamp(string.sub(d1,2,8), 10, state.era1)
    elseif k>=6 and k<9 then  -- same year, since "+YYYY-" is in common
        cd = isodate2timestamp(tostring(year1), 9, state.era1)
    elseif k==4 then          -- same decade(k=4, precision=8),  since "+YYY" is in common
        cd = isodate2timestamp(tostring(year1), 8, state.era1)
    elseif k==3 then          -- same century(k=3, precision=7) since "+YY" is in common
      local d = tostring(math.floor(year1/100) +1) -- convert 1999 -> 20
        cd = isodate2timestamp( d, 7, state.era1)
    elseif k==2 then          -- same millennium (k=2, precision=6),  since "+Y" is in common
        local d = tostring(math.floor(year1/1000) +1) -- convert 1999 -> 2
        cd = isodate2timestamp( d, 6, state.era1)
    if not cd then
        return ''
    --if not cd then
    --    return ' <br/>error: ' .. d1.." / " .. d2.." / ".. (cd or '') .." / ".. string.sub(d1,2,5).." / " .. string.sub(d2,2,5).." / " .. tostring(k)

    if (state.conj=='from-until') or (state.conj=='and' and year1==year2-1) then
        outputStr = cd ..",P580,".. d1 ..",P582,".. d2
    elseif (state.conj=='between') or (state.conj=='or' and year1==year2-1) then
        outputStr = cd ..",P1319,".. d1 ..",P1326,".. d2
    elseif state.conj=='circa2' then
        outputStr = cd ..",P1319,".. d1 ..",P1326,".. d2 ..",P1480,Q5727902"

    return outputStr

-- =======================================================================
local function processInputParams(conj, adj1, date1, units1, era1, adj2, date2, units2, era2, lang, passNr)

    -- process inputs and save date in state array
    local state  = {}
    state.conj   = string.lower(conj   or '')
    state.adj1   = string.lower(adj1   or '')
    state.adj2   = string.lower(adj2   or '')
    state.era1   = string.lower(era1   or '')
    state.era2   = string.lower(era2   or '')
    state.units1 = string.lower(units1 or '')
    state.units2 = string.lower(units2 or '')

    -- if date 1 is missing but date 2 is provided than swap them
    if date1 == '' and date2 ~= '' then
        date1 = date2
        date2 = ''
        state = {adj1 = state.adj2, era1 = state.era2, units1 = state.units2,
                 adj2 = '',         era2 = '',         units2 = '',  conj=state.conj, num=1}
    if     date2 ~= '' then state.nDates = 2
    elseif date1 ~= '' then state.nDates = 1
    else                    state.nDates = 0

    -- reconcile alternative names for text inputs
    local conj         = checkAliases(state.conj ,''  ,'j')
    state.adj1 ,conj   = checkAliases(state.adj1 ,conj,'a')
    state.units1,conj  = checkAliases(state.units1,conj,'p')
    state.era1 ,conj   = checkAliases(state.era1 ,conj,'e')
    state.special,conj = checkAliases('',conj,'c')
    state.adj2         = checkAliases(state.adj2 ,'','a')
    state.units2       = checkAliases(state.units2,'','p')
    state.era2         = checkAliases(state.era2 ,'','e')
    state.conj         = conj
    state.lang         = lang
    if p.Error~=nil then
        return nil

    -- calculate date precision value
    date1, state.units1, state.precision1 = datePrecision(date1, state.units1)
    date2, state.units2, state.precision2 = datePrecision(date2, state.units2)

    -- Handle special cases
    -- Some complex phrases can be created out of simpler ones. Therefore on pass # 1 we try to create
    -- the phrase using complex phrase and if that is not found than on the second pass we try to build
    -- the phrase out of the simpler ones
    if passNr==1 then
        if state.adj1=='circa' and state.nDates == 2 then
            state.conj = 'circa2'
            state.adj1 = ''
            state.adj2 = ''
        if state.nDates == 2 and state.adj1=='late' and state.adj2=='early' and state.conj=='and'
        and state.units1==state.units2 and state.era1==state.era2 then
            if state.units1=='century' then
                state.conj='turn of the century'
            elseif state.units1=='decade' then
                state.conj='turn of the decade'
            elseif state.units1=='' then
                state.conj='turn of the year'
            state.adj1 = ''
            state.adj2 = ''
            state.units1 = ''
            state.units2 = ''

    state.adj, state.era, state.units, state.precision = state.adj1, state.era1, state.units1, state.precision1
    return date1, date2, state

-- ==================================================
-- === External functions ===========================
-- ==================================================

function p.Era(frame)
    -- process inputs
    local dateStr
    local args    = frame.args
    if not (args.lang and mw.language.isSupportedLanguage(args.lang)) then
        args.lang = frame:callParserFunction( "int", "lang" ) -- get user's chosen language
    local lang    = args['lang']
    local dateStr = args['date'] or ''
    local eraType = string.lower(args['era']  or '')

    dateStr = ISOdate(dateStr, lang, '', '', 1)
    if eraType then
        eraType = checkAliases(eraType ,'','e')
        dateStr = translatePhrase(dateStr, '', eraType, lang, {})
    return dateStr

-- =======================================================================
function p._complex_date(conj, adj1, date1, units1, era1, adj2, date2, units2, era2, lang, passNr)
    local Output=''
    local state

    -- process inputs and save date in state array
    date1, date2, state  = processInputParams(conj, adj1, date1, units1, era1, adj2, date2, units2, era2, lang, passNr)
    if p.Error~=nil then
        return nil

    local errorStr = string.format(
      '\n*conj=%s, adj1=%s, era1=%s, unit1=%s, prec1=%i, adj2=%s, era2=%s, unit2=%s, prec2=%i, special=%s',
      state.conj, state.adj1, state.era1, state.units1, state.precision1,
      state.adj2, state.era2, state.units2, state.precision2, state.special)

    -- call specialized functions
    local QScode = ''
    if state.special~='' then
        Output = otherPhrases(date1, date2, state.special, state.era1, lang, state)
    elseif state.conj~='' then
        QScode = twoDateQScode(date1, date2, state)
        Output = twoDatePhrase(date1, date2, state, lang)
    elseif state.adj1~='' or state.era1~='' or state.units1~='' then
        Output = oneDatePhrase(date1, state.adj1, state.era1, state.units1, lang, 1, nil, state)
        QScode = oneDateQScode(date1, state.adj1, state.era1, state.precision1)
    elseif date1~='' then
        Output = ISOdate(date1, lang, '', 'dtstart', '100-999')
    if p.Error~=nil then
        return errorStr

    -- if there is any wikicode in the string than execute it
    if mw.ustring.find(Output, '{') then
        Output = mw.getCurrentFrame():preprocess(Output)
    if QScode and #QScode>0 then
        QScode = ' <div style="display: none;">date QS:P,' .. QScode .. '</div>'

    return Output .. QScode

-- =======================================================================
function p._complex_date_cer(conj, adj1, date1, units1, era1, adj2, date2, units2, era2, certainty, lang)
-- same as p._complex_date but with extra parameter for certainty: probably, possibly, presumably, etc.
    local dateStr = p._complex_date(conj, adj1, date1, units1, era1, adj2, date2, units2, era2, lang, 1)
    certainty = checkAliases(certainty, conj, 'r')
    local LUT = {probably='Q56644435',  presumably='Q18122778', possibly='Q30230067', circa='Q5727902' }
    if certainty and LUT[certainty] then
        local state  = {}
        date1, date2, state  = processInputParams(conj, adj1, date1, units1, era1, adj2, date2, units2, era2, lang, 1)
        dateStr = translatePhrase(dateStr, '', certainty, lang, state)
        dateStr = string.gsub(dateStr, '(%<div style="display: none;"%>date QS:P,[^%<]+)(%</div%>)', '%1,P1480,' .. LUT[certainty] .. '%2' )
    return dateStr

-- =======================================================================
function p.complex_date(frame)
    -- process inputs
    local dateStr
    local args   = frame.args
    if not (args.lang and mw.language.isSupportedLanguage(args.lang)) then
        args.lang = frame:callParserFunction( "int", "lang" ) -- get user's chosen language
    local date1  = args['date1'] or args['2'] or args['date'] or ''
    local date2  = args['date2'] or args['3'] or ''
    local conj   = args['conj']  or args['1'] or ''
    local adj1   = args['adj1']  or args['adj'] or ''
    local adj2   = args['adj2'] or ''
    local units1 = args['precision1'] or args['precision'] or ''
    local units2 = args['precision2'] or args['precision'] or ''
    local era1   = args['era1'] or args['era'] or ''
    local era2   = args['era2'] or args['era'] or ''
    local certainty = args['certainty']
    local lang   = args['lang']

    dateStr = p._complex_date_cer(conj, adj1, date1, units1, era1, adj2, date2, units2, era2, certainty, lang)
    if p.Error~=nil then
        dateStr = p.Error .. '[[Categoria:!Pages using Complex date template with incorrect parameter]]'
    return dateStr

return p