Jean Baptiste François René Koehler

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Jean Baptiste François René Koehler (1908).

Jean Baptiste François René Koehler (7 March 1860, Saint-Dié – 19 April 1931, Lyon) was a French zoologist best known for his research of echinoderms.

He studied medicine and zoology in Nancy. In 1889 he became a member of the faculty of sciences in Lyon, where in 1894, he attained the chair of zoology.[1] In 1911 he was selected as president of the Société zoologique de France.[2]

In 1988 the genus Koehleria (Cherbonnier) of the family Cucumariidae was named in his honor.[3] Also, he is commemorated by organisms with the specific epithet of koehleri.[2]

Written works


He made contributions to the section on echinoderms in the series Faune de France. His other publications include:

  • Recherches sur la faune marine des iles Anglo-Normandes, 1885 - Research on marine fauna of the Channel Islands.
  • Résultats scientifiques de la campagne du "Caudan" dans le golfe de Gascogne : août-septembre 1895, (1896) - Scientific results of the "Caudan campaign" in the Gulf of Gascony.
  • Expédition antarctique belge : résultats du voyage du S.Y. Belgica en 1897-1898-1899 sous le commandement de A. de Gerlache de Gomery, 1902 - Belgian Antarctic Expedition, results from the voyage of the S.Y. Belgica 1897-1899.
  • Ophiures de l'expédition du Siboga / Ie pt., Ophiures de mer profonde, 1904 - Ophiurans from the Siboga Expedition, part 1; ophiurans from the deep sea.
  • Ophiures de l'expédition du Siboga / IIe pt., Ophiures littorales, 1905 - Orphirians from the Siboga Expedition, part II; ophiurans from the littoral regions.
  • Expéditions scientifiques du Travailleur et du Talisman pendant les années 1880, 1881, 1882, 1883, (1906) - Scientific expeditions of the Travailleur and Talisman during the years 1880 to 1883.
  • Echinodermes provenant des campagnes du yacht Princesse-Alice : astéries, ophiures, échinides et crinoïdes, 1909 - Echinoderms collected from campaigns of the yacht Princesse-Alice.
  • "Ophiurans of the Philippine seas and adjacent waters", Washington, G.P.O., 1922, (manuscript translated by Austin H. Clark).
  • Les échinodermes des mers d'Europe, 1924 - Echinoderms from the seas of Europe.[1][4]


  1. ^ a b Prosopo Sociétés savantes de France
  2. ^ a b Petymol Archived 2015-01-28 at the Wayback Machine Biographical Etymology of Marine Organism Names. K
  3. ^ WoRMS taxon details Koehleria Cherbonnier, 1988
  4. ^ WorldCat Search (publications)