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jeetaare leydi, leydi
YemreSoutheast Europe, European Union, European Economic Area, Ngenndiije Dentuɗe Taƴto
Golle imaaɗe25 Mbooy 1821 Taƴto
InditirdeΕλληνική Δημοκρατία Taƴto
Laamu inndeΕλληνική Δημοκρατία, République hellénique, Republiken Grekland Taƴto
LesdinkeejumΕλλάδα, Ελλάς, Ελληνική Δημοκρατία Taƴto
Mutiɗa innde🇬🇷, el Taƴto
IPA transcriptionˈɡrʲet͡sɨjə Taƴto
LenyolGreeks Taƴto
Participant inMacedonia naming dispute, Prespa agreement Taƴto
Named afterGreeks Taƴto
Ɗemngal ngal sarwiisiiji leydi fu njoni haaludeGreek, Demotic Greek, Modern Greek Taƴto
Doondo leydiHymn to Liberty Taƴto
Taguculture of Greece Taƴto
KunorgolEleftheria i thanatos Taƴto
Jammoore leydiΕλευθερία ή Θάνατος, Rhyddid neu farwolaeth, All Time Classic Taƴto
DuungalYuroopu Taƴto
LesdiYunan Taƴto
LaamordeAthens Taƴto
Hiiri-weeti pelleUTC+02:00 Taƴto
Located in or next to body of waterMediterranean Sea Taƴto
AnnditirɗumBalkans, Southern Europe Taƴto
Jonde kwa'odineto38°30′0″N 23°0′0″E Taƴto
Kwa'odineto lettugal35°55′22″N 29°43′45″E Taƴto
Soɓɓire41°44′56″N 26°10′22″E Taƴto
Horɗoore34°41′49″N 24°5′45″E Taƴto
Gorgal39°41′31″N 20°0′30″E Taƴto
TowendiMount Olympus Taƴto
HoɓadeCalypso Deep Taƴto
Laamu sarti celluɗoparliamentary republic Taƴto
Birrol parti politikkiPresident of Greece Taƴto
Arɗiiɗo lesdiKaterina Sakellaropoulou Taƴto
Office held by head of governmentPrime Minister of Greece Taƴto
Hooreejo leydiKyriakos Mitsotakis Taƴto
Laamu battaa enGovernment of Greece Taƴto
Laamu depitee enHellenic Parliament Taƴto
Highest judicial authorityCourt of Cassation Taƴto
Central bankBank of Greece Taƴto
CedeEuro Taƴto
Shares border withAlbaniya, Bulgariya, Masedoniya, Türkiye Taƴto
Driving sideright Taƴto
Electrical plug typeEuroplug, Schuko Taƴto
ReplacesThird Hellenic Republic Taƴto
Right to voteuniversal suffrage, voting age Taƴto
Studied inHellenic studies Taƴto
Laawol ngol laamu anndani Taƴto
Hashtaggreece Taƴto
Golle Taƴto
Deesewalflag of Greece Taƴto
Coat of armscoat of arms of Greece Taƴto
Joogarafiigeography of Greece Taƴto
Has characteristicfree country Taƴto
Taarikihistory of Greece Taƴto
Railway traffic sideright Taƴto
Open data Taƴto
Bibliographybibliography of Greece Taƴto
Ndesaeconomy of Greece Taƴto
Annaji Aljeridemographics of Greece Taƴto
Gregorian calendar start date1 Mbooy 1923 Taƴto
Mobile country code202 Taƴto
Country calling code+30 Taƴto
Trunk prefixno value Taƴto
Emergency phone number112, 100, 166, 199 Taƴto
GS1 country code520, 521 Taƴto
Licence plate codeGR Taƴto
Maritime identification digits237, 239, 240, 241 Taƴto
Stack Exchange tag Taƴto
Unicode character🇬🇷 Taƴto
Category for honorary citizens of entityQ7981805 Taƴto
Category for mapsCategory:Maps of Greece Taƴto

Greece[1] Ɗuum woni fuɗɗoode innde Ingelese Hellas, ko ɓuri heewde e nder haala archaic walla poetic hannde.ˈkos]) ɗon e nder heleniki[2] e nder nden laawol nder innde huutorɗe Greek, bana nder innde laamu Greek, Republic Hellenic (Ελληνική Δημοκρατία, [eliniʹci ðimok]nder Latin Graecia e Grikós, diga innde Greeci (Γραικοί, Graikoí; singular Γραικός, Graikós), ɓe ɗon nder ardiiɓe ummaatooje Greek diga ardiiɓe jooɗorde Magna Graecia nder worgo Itali.

fuɗɗiiɗo ɗun liko ɗun waɗi e Graea (koore nden), ko Aristotle wi'i ko ɗun woni ɓurɗo ɓurnde nder Girka, e ko ɗun waɗi nde yimɓe ɓeen ɓeen ɓe ɓeen ɓe'e ɓeen ɓe ɗon jooɗori nder Leysdi Naples.


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ɗon haani hawtaago ɓuwaaɓe ɓurɓe ɓuwaaɗe ɓuwaaɗum ɓuwaaɗi ɓuwaaje ɓuwaaɗam ɓuwaaɗa ɓuwaaɗo ɓuwaaɓam ɓuwaaaɗe Afrik,[3] ɗi ɗon datta duuɓi 210,000.Ammaa, ɗum ɗon hawta dow, bee mawɓe feere ɗon wi'a ɓandu'en ɗon marki yimɓe archaic.Ɗiɗoo g tati fuɗɗiiɗe e nder wakkati kaaƴe (Paleolithic, Mesolithic, e Neolithik) ɗon wondi nder Girka, misaalu nder Cave Franchthi.Neolithik settlements in Greece, dating from the 7th millennium BC, ngoni ɓurɗe ɓurɗe duuɓi e nder Orop, ngam Girka ɗon haade dow laawol ngol lamnduki diga fuɗnaange fuɗnaande to Orop Gresya woni wuro ummatoore fuɗɗiiɗe nder Orop e ɗum laatii nokkuure ɓamtaare ummatoore hirnaange, fuɗɗande e ummatoore Cycladic dow koore nder maayo Eegean haa e hitaande 3200. Entrance_to_the_treasure_of_Atreus 'i ummaatooje mari binndi, Minoans naftiri binndi ɗi'e ɗe anndaa no anndiraa no Linear A, e Mycenaeans winndi ɗemngal Greeci ɓurngal anndiraade nder Linear B. Mycenaean'en ɓeydi ɓeydi e ɓeydi naɓɓi Minoans, ammaa ɓe maaki e sembe e 1200 BC, e ummaatooje goɗɗe, wakkati kuugal Leysdi ndi anndiraa.adii ko defte Linear B ɗe ɓe maɓɓiti ɓurɗe ɓesdaade ngam ɓe mbaɗɓa laaɓtinde leydi politik nden ɓe mbaawaa jaɓugo wonde leydi ɓurɗo mawnude, defte jamanuɓe Hittiit e Misra holli wonde leydi go'o ɗo "Kara'a Mawɗo" ɗo nder Leysdi Girka.

Girka Jamanu

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Ɓaɗol ɓesngu Mykena'en waɗi wakkati anndiraaɗum wakkati wakkati fuɗnaaku Girka, diga maajum defte binndi walaa.Fuude wakkati duumiije ɗum taariindi e 776 BC, hitaande juulde Olimpiiki arande.E ɓaawo wakkati duumii, laamiije feere feere e laamuuji gariiri fuɗɗiima nder leydi Girka, ɗi ɓeydi haa maayo Black, nder fombina Itali (ɗum nodda "Magna Graecia") e Asiya Maande.Ɗee leyɗeele e koloniya'en maɓɓe ɓe ɓeydiima e ɓeydaare mawnde, ɗum waɗi ɓe ɓeydaani e ɓeydagol aada, ɗum woni nder Girka, ɗum holli nder geɗe, nder nder nder nder geɗe njayri, nder nder drama hitaande 508 BC, Celiisthenes waɗi laamu demokaraasi arande nder duuniyaaru nder Athens. 07-17-2012_-_Emborio_-_Emporio_-_Santorini_-_Greece_-_27 Ha 500 BC, Laamu Persia ɗon laamo dow lesdi gariiri gariiri nder Asiya Maare e Makedoniya.Caggal go'o nder gariiri-jiilaaji Girka nder Asiya Mali ngam halki laamu Persia'en, ɓe mbaɗi footi, Persia'en ɓe ngaddani leydi leydi Girka nder hitaande 492 BC, ammaa ɓe ɓornii ɓe ƴettanaaki caggal nde ɓe ɓe mballi haa konu Marathon nder hitaande 490 BC.

Tatali Arzikii

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woni nder worgo e worgo fuunaaŋgo Orop, nden Gresia ɗon woodi Leysdi Naadi'i, Leysdi ndin ɗon ɓadake nder maayo haa fuunaaŋge Balkans, ɗon timmo haa Leysdi Peloponnese (nde woɗɗii diga lesdi lesdi ndii bee laawol Isthmus of Corinth) Greece_rally_against_Troika_20150703 e ɗon ɗon haandi nder Ngam ko'e maayoji mawngo e ko'e saare ɗuuɗɗe, Greec ina woodi ko'e 11 ɓurɗe ɓurɗe mawngo nder duuniyaaru e 13.13,676 km (8.498 mi) ko'e leydi ndii ina woodi koore mawngo 1,160 km.

Lawol nder Greece

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Luttugol leydi ndin ɗon hawta hakkunde latitude 34° e 42° N, e longitude 19° e 30° E, e ɓurɗe ɓurnde:

  • Kaŋde: wuro Ormenio
  • Naadi: saare Gavdos
  • Fuɗnaange: Strongyli (Kastelorizo, Megisti)
  • Wuro: saare Othonoi

Fedde 80 nder ujune lesdi Girka ɗon hawta bee kooseeje, ngam maajum lesdi ndin ɗon nder kooseeje ɓurɗe fuu nder Uropa. A2_Motorway,_Greece_-_Grevenitis_(Greveniotikos)_Bridge_at_Grevena_(city)_-_seen_from_National_Road_15_-_01 Luttugo Olympus, nokkuure mawɗe mawɗe mawɓe Greega, ɗon ɓamta dow ko woni dow dow ko woni ko ɓuri mawngu nder Leysdi, ko woni ko woni dow ko woni e dow ko woni mawngu dow ko woni Maatikas, ko mawngu mawngu haa mawngu 2,918 mita (9,573 ft).

Gereeki woni leydi parlementaare.Sariya jooni nden hawriti e jaɓɓaaki e nder Fuuta Fuuta Fedde Fuuta Fuude Heleniyankooɓe nden fuɗɗiti waɗugo nder hitaande 1975 caggal nde laamu militaaku 1967-1974 maayi.Ɗum haɓɓii laabi nayi diga nde: nder hitaande 1986, 2001, 2008 e 2019.Flag_of_the_Democratic_Party_(Belgium) Hakkiilo rewɓe ɗon tabbitinaa bee waylude to Sariya leydi 1952hooreejo leydi ko hooreejo leydi, mo leydi ndii footiima ngam duuɓi shagali E wiyde leydi, laamu fulɓe ina jogii e hooreejo Leysdi e laamujaɓɓaaki leydi leydi 1986 ɓeydiima golle hooreejo leydi e baawɗe mum, ngam ɗum waɗi laamu ngal ko haani; ko ɗuum waɗi laamu politik ɓurɗo heɓaani hooreejo leydi, hooreejo Leysdi.

07-17-2012_-_Oia_-_Santorini_-_Greece_-_54 The_Acropolis_and_Mount_Hymettus_from_Philopappos_Hill_on_July_18,_2019 +_1987_wurde_die_Akropolis_Athens_Teil_des_UNESCO-Welterbes._23 07-17-2012_-_Oia_-_Santorini_-_Greece_-_55
